  • 姓名:
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  • 办公地点:
  • mandy.wang@sglaw.cn
  • 021-61681906
  • 上海
  • 中文、英文
  • 教育背景
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LLB – East China University of Political Science and Law, 2012

LLM – University of Leeds, 2012  

王彬律师现为上海融孚律师事务所合伙人、ABS业务线负责人,中国法学会会员,为上海市律师协会金融证券保险行业专业水平评定认证律师并担任中国资产证券化论坛SPV/SPT问题研究委员会联席主席。王彬律师主要业务范围涵盖金融银行、信托、资产管理、资本市场、资产证券化等法律业务。王彬律师被国际专业法律评级机构Legal Band评为“2019年度中国律界俊杰榜30强”,被国际专业法律媒体《国际金融法律评论》(IFLR1000)列为2022年度银行与金融资本市场领域新星合伙人名单。

WANG, Partner, Director of SG&CO’s ABS Team, a member of the China Law Society, identified Lawyer in Finance/Securities/Insurance professions by Shanghai Bar Association, and Co-Chair of the SPV/SPT Study Committee of CSF. Wang’s main business scope covers financial banking, trusts, asset management, asset securitization and other legal businesses. Wang was rated by the international professional legal rating agency, Legal Band, as the "Top 30 under 30 Legal Talents in China in 2019", and was listed by the international professional legal media, International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000), as a star partner in the banking and financial capital market in 2022.


As a lawyer, Wang has participated in and provided legal services for multiple projects including a series of personal housing mortgage loan securitizations at Jianyuan; a series of credit asset securitizations at Feichi Jianrong; a series of non-performing loan asset securitizations at Jianxin; a series of personal housing mortgage loan securitizations at Gongyuan; a series of non-performing loan asset securitizations at Jiaocheng; personal car loan asset securitizations at the second phase of Rongteng in 2019; the Ant Financial “Ant Check Later” Series of asset securitization products; the Bank of Communications Schroder-Bank of Communications Hongyuan No. 1 Special Asset Support Plan; Phase I and Phase II of the special plan between China CIC Securities and Wuhan Metro Trust on beneficiary rights and green asset support; Phase I of the special plan by 2018 CICC Far Eastern Leasing asset support; the 2019 Phase I asset-backed notes of Huabao Duding (Shanghai) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.; the 2019 Phase I asset-backed notes of Zhejiang Dasouche Financing Lease Co., Ltd.


Member of the China Democratic League, member of the Chinese Law Society, and Co-Chair of the SPV/SPT Study Committee of CSF  

  • 邮箱:mandy.wang@sglaw.cn
  • 电话:021-61681906
  • 办公地点:上海
  • 工作语言:中文、英文

王彬 合伙人





LLB – East China University of Political Science and Law, 2012

LLM – University of Leeds, 2012  


王彬律师现为上海融孚律师事务所合伙人、ABS业务线负责人,中国法学会会员,为上海市律师协会金融证券保险行业专业水平评定认证律师并担任中国资产证券化论坛SPV/SPT问题研究委员会联席主席。王彬律师主要业务范围涵盖金融银行、信托、资产管理、资本市场、资产证券化等法律业务。王彬律师被国际专业法律评级机构Legal Band评为“2019年度中国律界俊杰榜30强”,被国际专业法律媒体《国际金融法律评论》(IFLR1000)列为2022年度银行与金融资本市场领域新星合伙人名单。

WANG, Partner, Director of SG&CO’s ABS Team, a member of the China Law Society, identified Lawyer in Finance/Securities/Insurance professions by Shanghai Bar Association, and Co-Chair of the SPV/SPT Study Committee of CSF. Wang’s main business scope covers financial banking, trusts, asset management, asset securitization and other legal businesses. Wang was rated by the international professional legal rating agency, Legal Band, as the "Top 30 under 30 Legal Talents in China in 2019", and was listed by the international professional legal media, International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000), as a star partner in the banking and financial capital market in 2022.



As a lawyer, Wang has participated in and provided legal services for multiple projects including a series of personal housing mortgage loan securitizations at Jianyuan; a series of credit asset securitizations at Feichi Jianrong; a series of non-performing loan asset securitizations at Jianxin; a series of personal housing mortgage loan securitizations at Gongyuan; a series of non-performing loan asset securitizations at Jiaocheng; personal car loan asset securitizations at the second phase of Rongteng in 2019; the Ant Financial “Ant Check Later” Series of asset securitization products; the Bank of Communications Schroder-Bank of Communications Hongyuan No. 1 Special Asset Support Plan; Phase I and Phase II of the special plan between China CIC Securities and Wuhan Metro Trust on beneficiary rights and green asset support; Phase I of the special plan by 2018 CICC Far Eastern Leasing asset support; the 2019 Phase I asset-backed notes of Huabao Duding (Shanghai) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.; the 2019 Phase I asset-backed notes of Zhejiang Dasouche Financing Lease Co., Ltd.



Member of the China Democratic League, member of the Chinese Law Society, and Co-Chair of the SPV/SPT Study Committee of CSF  

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